Monday, July 11, 2011

Time flys

Wow. I can not believe that we have been in Thailand for 9 MONTHS! thats insane. The longest at one time I have been out of the country was a little over ten months and this is fast approaching that mark and quickly going to surpass it. We have been keeping pretty busy, last week i had my first day off in 6 weeks! It has a been a good busy though. the time is FLYING by fast, which is kinda good. (we miss home a bit) I can't believe its already midterms! that means only two months left until the mid-school break..

On keeping busy...I am filling about 2 to 3 days after work with Muay Thai lessons. For those who don't know what that is it's Thai boxing. and it ROCKS! Such a good work out and super satisfying when you've had a not so great day. Jeff is filling his days with Tae kwon do. Its nice we can train at the same time in the same gym (we have separate guys teaching us privately)
On the weekends we work at a place called WECI, which is a private english group tutoring company. I usually teach just Saturday mornings, but I have been covering a lot for people on sundays. Jeff works both Sat and Sun teaching the advanced class. It's nice, we teach from 9-12 and get 1000 baht a day (30 us) Some days it seems like a lot but we want to keep busy so the time flys and the extra money is nice. we are trying to save as much as possible for when we get home.

Our young kids are great! We just took our English Program kids on a field trip last friday. It was a blast! but super tiering... lots of kids with lots of energy! We went to Rachabury which is about 2 hours from us in Hua Hin. We went to a wax museum that showed important Thai people from Thailands history. it also showed past houses from all over Thailand. The kids (and us) got to climb all around the houses and explore.
Next we went to a floating market where the kids got to learn how to make fish out of coconut palm leaves. They had a blast there!
The next (yes one more) place we went was King Rama the II memorial park (they are now on King Rama the 9th). It was a very pretty park, but the kids were EXHAUSTED by then (they are 6 and 7 years old).
The day was really nice but they FLEW through everything, we were running at times to keep up! it was kind of ridiculous, they should have done one thing or may just two and given the kids more time to explore and see everything. We walked past so many interesting things without stopping which was a shame.
All in all everything is good. We miss home, but really are having a great time over here!

Some pictures from the field trip:

At the wax museum:

Pea with an old (wax) man (it was all in Thai i have no idea who/what everything was!)

I think they were chinese...Pea again

In a cave with some story of Buddah (I think) Pea was scared of the wax old man!

In an old Northeast style Thai house (thats Ice and Jeng in the background.)

a very interesting old (wax) man

The Director of the English Program Anu with my grade ones

Phupa showing me some love :)

now Toppy's turn!

In a line (going back) Euro, Top, and Ice

Group photo :)

At the Floating Market:

Learning to make some palm leave fish

Mine and Ice finished

"Fishing" off the ledge

"look! i have a fish!"

so excited!

Phupa dancing with his fish :)


  1. I think the "Chinese Dude" in gray in Mao Tse Tung when he was a lot younger than I remember him.

  2. Interesting... I wonder why he would be in an Important Thailand people museum?
